Live event

Join TetraScience at SLAS

Schedule a meeting with TetraScience experts at SLAS:

February 3-7, 2024
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Boston, MA

TetraScience Presentation:

Data Product: Data Science Success Stories
Let's bring it all together: How have innovations in AI/ML and data infrastructure + engineering synergized to create actual value to ongoing scientific projects? What do the data products that result from these efforts look like, and what is their impact? View the schedule

Tuesday, February 6th
10:00am - 12:00pm

Mike Tarselli, Chief Scientific & Knowledge Officer, TetraScience

SLAS 2024
SLAS is a global, non-profit professional community made up of scientists from academia, government and industry who are collectively focused on leveraging the power of technology to achieve scientific objectives. 

Visit to learn more about the event.

Meet with TetraScience

Fill out the form, and we will reach out to schedule a time for you to meet with one of our experts.